esmaspäev, 22. juuli 2013

Nature´s painted tree: The Rainbow Eucalyptus

Rainbow Eucalyptus, Northern Hemisphere, from Indonesia to Philippines. The incredibly striking colorful stripes are natural. It is due to the bark, which changes its color. Therefore, the newer bark differs form the older, creating the incredibly exciting trees!

Impressive Limestone Towers on the Beach

Twelve Apostles, Victoria, Australia. The continent is a source of natural diversity and wonders. This spectacular spot is no exception. Twelve limestone towers attract many adventurers and photographers.
Constant winds and waves of Southern Ocean have carved these Apostles out of the rocky shore. At first, the never-ending erosion has formed the caves, which in time became these giant stacks, that go up to 45 m.
Today you could count eight actual towers, since the rest have been damaged a lot by erosion. The ninth stack has collapsed in 2005. And the group is being damaged by the waves constantly. So this unique place might be lost soon.

A Deserted Wonderland in Mexico

Las Pozas, Xilitla, Mexico. Edward James – an eccentric English artist – has created this surreal park in a rainforest in Mexico. The surreal sculptures, that look like the ruins of a building, blend in the beautiful nature and create an impression of a deserted wonderland.

Carerra - Magnificent Lake Surrounded by Marble Caves

Carerra Lake, Argentina and Chile. The freshwater lake is the second deepest lake in South America, reaching 586 m depth. It is also one of the most beautiful natural lakes in the world.
The lake stretches for 1,850 km² through two countries. It is of glacial origin, surrounded by Andes mountains and is fed by Pacific Ocean and Baker River.
Carrera Lake fascinates with its clear water, which colors vary between emerald, turquoise, aquamarine and azure. Moreover, the Marble Caves, formed due to the wave action, surround the lake. The unusual natural network is called Marble Cathedral and attracts many visitors.

Beautiful Waterfall Foss a Sidu in Iceland

Foss a Sidu, Kirkjubaejarklaustur, Iceland. The island is full of mesmerizing sites. Foss a Sidu – a gorgeous waterfall – is one of them. The falls is not very tall, but the surroundings make it a unique place to see. It also has a very unusual feature: because its stream is not very strong, sometimes, during very strong winds that come from the sea, it starts flowing uphill. A village is settled in the location and Foss a Sidu defines its landscape.

Mount Roraima - The Edge of the World in South America

Mount Roraima, South America. The impressive summit spreads through three countries – Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. It is the highest peak of the Pakaraima mountains chain, reaching a 2,810 m (9,219 ft) height. The steep rocks form a cliff, which looks like the edge of the world!